Don't Do It

Don't Do It

What would you think-

– if I tell you that you could live without fear?

Fear isn’t just a reaction to external circumstances.
It’s a spiritual force.
It begins inside a person.
And it is totally destructive.
Fear is Satan’s primary weapon.
He moves in response to fear.
He challenges the promises of God with it.
Jesus invited Peter to come to Him on the water.
“But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.” Matt.14: 30.
What enabled Peter to walk on the water?
His faith in the Word of Jesus.
What caused Peter to sink?
He saw the wind boisterous and he was afraid.

It wasn’t the wind that defeated him; it was his fear of it!
He looked at his circumstances, gave into the fear, and the result was defeat.
If Peter had kept his focus on Jesus-
– his faith would never have wavered.
All the blustering and blowing in the world couldn’t have drawn him off course.
Faith is developed by meditating on God’s Word.
Fear is developed by meditating on Satan’s lies.

Such fearful meditation is called worrying.

Don’t do it!
The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit.

Use it to fight Satan every time he comes against you.

Hold up your shield of faith.
And quench all of his fiery darts.  

Speak words of faith and fear will depart.
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
2 Timothy 1:7.

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