Past Present Future

But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Cor 6:11)
In eternity past, God chose us to be His children (Eph 1:4).
Before He created the world, God already knew you. He caused you to be born and eventually to know Him.
“But you were washed”
He forgave you all your sins, past, present, future, because of Christ’s perfect sacrifice on the cross.
You may have made mistakes in the past, but God can overrule them to accomplish His purpose in your life.
Look at the lives of Jacob, Moses, David. They repented of their failures, mistakes, missed opportunities, presumption, sins. And God worked all things for their good in order to declare His power and wisdom.
“You were sanctified”
As for your present, God is still at work in your life (Phil 2:13).
He is working to purify you. He has not given up on you. He will always be with you.
Whatever is happening to you at the present is not by chance.
God’s hand is at work to mold you, strengthen you, and work through you.
“You were justified”
God has planned everything for you (Jer 29:11).
Whatever may happen to you is according to His plan.
No evil can change the course of your life as long as you live in God’s will.
Joseph was betrayed by his brothers. Yet he rose to become prime minister of Egypt.
Your future is secure in His plan.
You will receive full justification on the Day of Redemption.
He has an inheritance prepared for you.
So don’t be discouraged by your past. Don’t be complacent because of your past successes either.
Don’t worry about your future. It is as bright as the promises of God.
Live in the present. It is a gift from God.
All things work for your increase and His glory (Rom 8:28).
Be courageous. Learn from the past. Live today with joy. Face the future with hope.