Get Better, Not Bitter

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).
Rejection is never easy!
But rejection from people we care about really hurts.
Maybe it’s the rejection of losing your job or having a spouse walk out on you.
Sometimes rejection can be so devastating that we’re not sure we are going to recover.
Here are a few thoughts that may help:
Jesus understands!
On the cross, He faced the rejection of the whole world.
Be honest with God about your feelings. He understands.
Don’t seek revenge.
Trust God to bring about ultimate justice.
Ask God to help you forgive.
After all, Jesus forgave us for rejecting Him on the cross.
Don’t confuse forgiveness with a lack of accountability.
Holding wrong-doers accountable is good–for them, for us, and for others.
Choose to get better, not bitter!
The best way to get even in a good way is to get better.
“Bitterness is the poison we swallow while hoping the other person dies.”
These four insights can help you overcome rejection.
Put them into practice and rejection will not defeat you.
Rejection is never easy!
But overcoming rejection is a key to successful living.