Lest We Fall

Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. (1 Cor 10:12)
The Israelites saw the power of God in Egypt when He sent the plagues on Pharaoh.
They witnessed the parting of the Red Sea and the destruction of the Egyptian army.
They ate the miraculous manna and drank the water from the rock.
And they took for granted the Lord will protect and provide for them. So they indulged in idolatry and sexual immorality.
After all, they were God’s chosen people.
But they were testing God.
True, God treasures His people and will watch over them.
But He need not prove it.
We test God when we underestimate the power of sin.
We think we can ask God for His forgiveness and cleansing any time we want.
So we excuse ourselves and yield to our flesh – anger, bitterness, jealousy, pride, lust, covetousness, greed.
The truth is we are not that strong against sin.
We must not undermine the seriousness of sin.
If we think we will not fall into sin, the more likely we will fall.
When we let our guard down. When we neglect prayer and the Word and communion with God.
Sin will rear its ugly head to pursue us.
When we think we will not fall, be on your guard. The next temptation is just round the corner.
Let the Israelites’ example be a lesson for us.