Do All To the Glory of God

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Cor 10:31)
Why we do what we do determines if it is sacred or secular.
Everything we do can be sacred if we do it to the glory of God.
Even mundane things like eating and drinking should be done to the glory of God.
We give thanks for the food and drink.
We show that God is our provider and He takes care of us.
When we do house work, we show that God is good in providing us a house to live in and we are taking care of what He has given us.
When we go to work, we show that God has given us work and a purpose to be at the office.
When we enjoy family time, we show that God is our Heavenly Father who enjoys fellowship with us.
When we enjoy recreation, we thank God for giving us rest from our labors.
When we go to church, we show that God is real and He is worthy of worship.
So everything we do is an opportunity to praise our God.
He is so wonderful and so marvelous.
He deserves our praise and worship.
Everything we do must be done to show His love, His wisdom, His power.
Praise be unto Him.