Free From Your Past

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isa 43:18-19)
Some things from our past haunt us, accuse us, or embarrass us.
It could be a mistake, failure, wrong choice, wrong turn, injustice done to us.
As a result, we feel hurt, angry, embarrassed, regret.
We try to forget it, but it comes back to trouble us again and again.
When we keep on re-living our past, we are held back by our past from moving forward.
But the Lord Jesus has come to offer us His forgiveness and a new life.
We can move on knowing that our sins are forgiven and a better future lies ahead, in this present life and in a future that is eternal and free.
What is past is over. It cannot be recovered. We can only live forward and we can live it confidently because God is with us.
Abraham lied to Pharaoh and Abimelech. Jacob cheated Esau and Laban. Moses killed an Egyptian soldier. David committed adultery and murder. Paul persecuted the church.
They made mistakes but they genuinely repented. God forgave them and then used them effectively.
If you have repented, and God has forgiven you, who are you not to forgive yourself?
Put the past away from your thoughts.
God has a bright future for you regardless of your past. Trust in Him.
If you keep on dwelling on your past, you would not be able to move forward.
Look forward to the new thing that God wants to do in your life. Your past is nothing compared to what God is about to do.
Don’t be enslaved to your past. Press on by faith in Christ and believe in the new thing God is going to do in your life.