Always Victorious

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1Cor 15:57)
In Christ, we are always victorious.
Victory over sin and death was achieved through Christ’s resurrection.
The last enemy to be destroyed is death (1 Cor 15:26).
This will finally happen when Christ returns to establish His kingdom on earth. He will vanquish death forever.
In this present life, we have victory over death through Him because He has given us eternal life.
Our sins are forgiven and we are declared righteous through His finished work on Calvary.
We have become God’s children. He undertakes to conduct us safe to heaven, no matter what happens to us.
Since death has been defeated, there is nothing for us to fear. Death is the gateway to life eternal.
Today, we battle trials and temptations. But we can have victory.
Because we are fighting from a position of victory, not uncertainty.
We must have faith in the Lord and believe that we will have victory.
We battle with temptations like fiery darts thrown at us by the devil every day.
We fight discouragement, fear, worries, doubts, pain, loneliness, inferiority, sadness, disappointment, frustration, guilt.
But the Lord is with us.
We have the upper hand. Do not be discouraged.
We are always victorious. Thanks be unto God.