To Advance the Gospel

I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel (Phil 1:12).
Paul was in prison in Rome. He was arrested and tried for preaching the Gospel.
It was no fault of his.
He was placed under house arrest. This meant that he was allowed to live in a rented house but guarded by Roman soldiers.
These soldiers were the elite palace guard.
Did he whine or wallow?
Was he depressed or discouraged?
No. He went about doing what he had been doing.
He was called of the Lord to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.
He continued preaching the Gospel. This time, he preached to the Roman guards.
Before, Paul had in mind to go to Rome to preach.
But how was he to do it?
Well, the Lord worked in such a way that he was given a free ticket to Rome.
He was falsely accused and brought to Rome to stand trial before Caesar.
Whatever happened was for his good and for the advancement of the Gospel to the glory of God.
News of his trial spread throughout Rome. People were talking about why he was arrested. This aroused the curiosity of the people to know what the Gospel is.
God is at work in our lives.
Whatever is happening to us now is serving to advance the witness of God.
Will we surrender ourselves to allow Him to work through us, even as we go through difficulties and unpleasant circumstances?
May our light shine for Him. As we respond by faith in Him, we let others see that God is at work in us and that He is real.
We have the peace and joy of the Lord in us. We have direction in life in the midst of trials.
We may stumble along the way but Christ strengthens us.
All these happen so that the Gospel may be advanced.
Will we surrender our lives to Him?