I Am the Clay

But now, LORD, you are our father. We are the clay, and you are our potter. All of us are the work of your hand. (Isa 64:8)
God is at work in our lives.
He is the potter. We are the clay.
He is making us the person He wants us to be. Little by little every day.
We are not perfect yet.
We still have our faults and shortcomings.
But we are God’s masterpiece.
We are special and unique in God’s sight.
God loves us dearly.
He even sent His Son to die on the cross in our place.
You are worth dying for.
Yes, there are areas in our lives we need improvement.
But we should keep on pressing on towards our high calling.
Look at Jesus. Look away from your faults.
Don’t let your faults weigh you down such that you cannot run the race.
God knows you and is longsuffering towards you. He knows you are not complete yet. That’s why He is still molding you.
The time God stopped molding you is the day you meet Him.
So while you are still alive, He is working in you.
God is the potter. Surrender your life to Him. He uses people, circumstances, His Word, His Spirit to change you.
Cooperate with Him.
And you will become a vessel of honor fit for the Master’s use.