Know Him

That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. (Phil 3:10)
Guests at a social gathering learned that two distinguished gentlemen were coming to attend. One was an accomplished actor. The other was a pastor.
The guests asked the actor to read them a psalm. He obliged them by reading Psalm 23. He read dramatically and flawlessly. The guests applauded.
The pastor read the same psalm, but with deep sensitivity and emotion. A tear or two trickled down his face.
When he concluded reciting, the guests applauded warmly. Some guests were teary-eyed.
One guest whispered to another, “The actor knows the Psalm of the Shepherd, but the pastor knows the Shepherd of the Psalm.”
Knowing Christ and knowing about Him are two different things.
To “know” in this verse means to experience.
Paul wanted far more than intellectual knowledge of who Jesus is.
It is not a head knowledge of Him.
It is not to know what the Bible teaches about Him.
He wanted to have a deep, intimate, personal, heart-felt experience of God.
Paul wanted to experience the resurrection power of Christ. The power to live and serve the Lord.
He also wanted to participate in Christ’s sufferings. He wanted to experience what Jesus felt when He was betrayed, wrongly accused, flogged, and crucified. So that he could appreciate what Christ had suffered for him.
That is what it is to know Christ.
Make it your goal in life to know Him and make Him known.