Be Content

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Heb 13:5)
A man was not happy with his house. He decided to sell it. He had in mind to buy another much better house. So he hired a housing agent to sell it for him.
The agent said he would put an advertisement in the newspaper. He read out the advertisement to the man, “Beautiful house for sale. Steeped in grace and charm. Plenty of indoor and outdoor living space. Excellent location. Cozy and comfortable for your family with lots of space for your children to play.”
The man asked the agent to read the advertisement to him one more time.
After listening to it, he paused for a while, and said, “You know, this is the type of house I have always wanted. I think I will not sell it.”
Human nature is inclined towards discontent with the material.
We want more and more. We want better and better things.
Perhaps it is because we look at others with their land and gold.
But life does not consist of the material and physical or the abundance of things.
Benjamin Franklin once said, “Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor.”
What is contentment?
It is accepting three things:
My identity: I am thankful for who I am and the way God made me.
My possessions: I have what I need. I am satisfied with whatever I have now, no matter how much or little.
My circumstances: I am at peace with God and myself regarding the present circumstances, though I am still on the journey to reach my destination.
True satisfaction in life is knowing God and delighting in His love and goodness.
When we have God, we have everything.
Knowing that God takes care of us, and that He will provide all our needs, not wants, makes us content.