Begin With the End in Mind

So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. (Rom 14:12)
Imagine a funeral. Your funeral.
See who are at the funeral. Hear what they say about you.
If you want to be remembered as a good father, you would strive to do your best for your children now.
If you want to be remembered as a good husband, you would treat your wife well.
Students imagine having good grades for their exams. So they study diligently in order to do well for their exams.
Couples imagine having a happy family together. So they get married, start a family, work hard to pay the bills, send their children to school, and spend time together.
They begin with the end in mind.
But at the end of life, we will meet God. We will give an account of ourselves to Him.
What have we done with our time, talents, money, opportunities, strengths, influence, relationships?
Have we been living for the Lord? Or for our own happiness?
Have we been doing what the Lord wants us to do in terms of growing our relationship with Him, loving Him, having a good testimony before man, speaking for Him, helping others in need, telling others about Him?
Think about what eternity will be like for you.
Will you be able to testify that the Lord was able to accomplish His purpose through your life?
Not what you did or achieved. But that you surrendered your life to Him and the Spirit worked through you?
Would you be able to tell the Lord with a clear conscience that you have done what He calls you to do or that you have used the talent He gave you for His kingdom purpose?
Place your life in His hands now. Ask the Lord to mould you and use you.
So that you will be able to give a good account of yourself to the Lord and hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord.” (Matt 25:23)