Be Refreshed

Now turn from your sins and turn to God, so you can be cleansed of your sins. Then wonderful times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will send Jesus your Messiah to you again. (Acts 3:19-20)
From time to time, we face challenges from within.
That criticism, negative thought, worry, approval, past failure, regret, lingering pain.
But the truth is this: God made you just as you are. He does not judge you by your performance. He doesn’t always see your sins or failures.
He created you as you are because He loves you.
All the negativity comes to us because we turn our eyes from the Lord to ourselves.
We see the negative things in us. We should turn our eyes from ourselves and see the Lord and His mercies.
If we would come into His presence, confessing our sins, we will be refreshed in our inner man.
Where does this spiritual refreshment comes from? It comes from the presence of the Lord.
When we claim by faith the forgiveness of our sin and the cleansing of our sin, we can stand before the Lord guiltless. Jesus has died for our sin and through Him, we can find true forgiveness.
We are valued by God. He loves us. He keeps us. He guides us. He protects us.
See God’s steadfast love, grace, mercies, faithfulness, joy, peace, righteousness, wisdom, faithfulness, power, loveliness.
When we feel downcast, we can be refreshed by Him by coming into His presence. Seek Him. See Him as He is. Enjoy His presence.
You will be refreshed.