Is This the End Times?

Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18:8)
There is an increased interest in end times prophecy today.
The current global pandemic has people asking, “Is this the end times?”
There is an apocalyptic feeling in the air. Streets are empty. Food in supermarkets are flying off the shelves. People are getting sick. Hospitals are packed. The number of deaths increases each day.
In the past, we heard of wars, earthquakes, outbreaks of diseases, economic recessions. But these happened independently and in various parts of the world.
But the coming tribulation prophesied in the Bible is global in nature. Wars, natural disasters, pestilences, economic collapse, and famine will all occur at the same time. As many as half of the world’s population will die (Rev 6:8; 9:5, 15, 18; 11:13).
The pestilences that occur during the tribulation will be of great proportions and are very destructive.
The current pandemic is a precursor of the coming end time pestilences. It is a foretaste of what is to come. This is just the beginning of the birth pains the Lord Jesus spoke about (Matt 24:8). It might even pave the way for the coming tribulation.
At the time of this writing, it can be said that this pandemic is not the fulfillment of any specific prophecy.
What will happen during the tribulation will be far worse than the current global pandemic. It will be even more frightening.
Still, for Christians, this pandemic is meant to prepare us. We look for the blessed hope of Christ’s return (Tit 2:13). Let us get busy to witness for the Lord and bring as many as we can to heaven with us.
For non-Christians, it is a warning to repent and turn to the Lord.
Things will get worse in this world, not better (2 Tim 3:1, 13; Luke 17:26-30).
Our hope is not in this world. Our hope is in the Lord Jesus. Our job is to be faithful to Him so that when He comes, He will find us faithful (Luke 18:8).