Looking unto Jesus

Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith (Heb 12:2).
When you look at something long enough, you will soon pursue it.
Look to Jesus as your example.
See how He lived, talked, relate with others. See His attitude, compassion, grace, love, authority. See His love for the Father.
Follow His example (1 Pet 2:21).
Look to Jesus for strength, power, comfort, encouragement, help.
He will sustain you.
Stop looking at others. You see their achievements, wealth, possessions, luck, abilities.
They have their lives to live. You have your God-given life to live. It is your duty and responsibility to live it, and enjoy it.
Start counting your God-given blessings. Be filled with a grateful spirit.
Stop listening to negative voices. They are not from the Lord. They only weaken you.
Start listening to God’s voice. Read and study the Bible. Draw strength from the Lord and His promises.
Look at Jesus alone.
The more you look at Him, the more lovely He becomes to you. And the more you will love Him.
Think about Him every moment. Yearn for Him, and to be with Him.
Jesus is our goal in life.
That is the meaning of running this race. To run with passion, putting all our heart and soul to the race. To run to Jesus.
One day, we will realize our goal. For we will see Him face to face.
For the time being, keep on looking at Jesus.