Still Standing

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock (Matt 7:24-25).
When we hear Jesus’ words, we need to act upon them. Jesus taught us to how to build our house. He taught us to build on solid rock. It requires effort to build on rock. That rock is Jesus.
Jesus is our sure foundation for life. We can anchor on Him for He is trustworthy. He will hold us when we fall. He will guide us in the right way.
The foolish man hears but ignores what Jesus taught. He thinks he can build anyhow anywhere. So he builds on the sand. Sand is easy to dig. You can easily lay a foundation on sand. But sand will not ground the house.
Sand will be blown away. Like the philosophies of this world. They change with time. Because man is finite. He does not know everything. He don’t have the answer to eternal life.
Only Jesus has the answer to eternal life. He is the answer to man’s greatest problem – forgiveness of sin. His teachings are timeless.
The storms of life will beat on the wise and the foolish.
But after the storm, the house built on the rock was still standing. The house built on sand was washed away.
Storms will beat on you. But because you built on Jesus by following His words, when the storm clears, you will still be standing.
Take heed to Jesus’ words and act accordingly.