Does Jesus care?

“But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows (Matt 10:30-31).
Does God care about the little things in my life?
We think that God is concerned with the big things that happen – the cancer, the church building, moving house, getting employed, that mission trip.
But we think He is too big and too busy to be interested in the details of our lives – the flu, electricity bill, water pipe leaking, the bus you are going to catch, that conversation with friends. So we don’t talk to Him about these things.
We are limiting God if we think that way.
God loves you as if you are the one and only one in the whole world.
He is loving enough to send His Son to die in your place so that you can be with Him forever.
He is great enough to be concerned with even the smallest detail of your life.
He created the entire universe and holds all the atoms in place by His power (Col 1:16-17).
When He ordered Moses to build the tabernacle, He gave such great details as to how the tabernacle was to be built.
In the Gospels, we see Jesus’ personal touch for the blind, the lame, the poor. Jesus absolutely cares for the little things.
We are far more precious to Him than the universe or the tabernacle.
He cares deeply about everything about us.
Do we count our hair? Do we take notice when a bird dies? God does.
We can talk with Him about anything … yes, anything. He loves to hear from us.
Because He loves us greatly.
Trust Him and love Him.