Elders, Be Blessed!

Elders, Be Blessed!

puritan 2“Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.” Genesis 21:5.

Many of us have retired already or are planning to in the near future.
For most people, retirement is viewed as a time to relax, reflect, and enjoy the fruits of a lifetime of labour.

But consider that many of the greatest heroes of the Bible were just getting started when most of us retire!

God established His covenant with Abraham when he was 99 years old.

After a life of hard work and great success, imagine God telling you-
“Okay, now it’s time for your life’s work to really get started.”

Similarly, Moses was around 80 years old when he led the Israelites out of Egypt.
How many of us could lead a nation of millions through the desert for the next 40 years?

Believe it or not, the concept of retirement isn’t found anywhere in the Bible.

As Christians, you and I are called to be on the firing line with the Lord our whole life on earth!

And today-
God may be calling you to do something as simple as-
– encouraging your neighbour or
– making your famous chocolate chip cookies for a bake sale or
– writing a book.
Perhaps He is even calling you to mentor younger members of your church.

Whatever God is calling you to do as a retiree and as a Christian-
He is calling you to continue to serve Him during this season of life,
– using the time He’s given you to make a difference for Him.

Pray that God would help you use the time He’s given you in retirement to serve others-
– for their good and
– for His glory!

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