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Day: January 30, 2022

God Often Does That

God Often Does That

“when I will fulfill the good promises that I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah.” Jeremiah 33:14.

The prophet Jeremiah told us God would fulfill His promise of a Saviour.

The people could look forward to someone who would save them from captivity.

What did they expect as an answer to their prayers?

They thought the Messiah would be a powerful leader-
– capable of subduing an empire and ushering in God’s reign.

But instead of answering the promise as they anticipated-
God did the opposite.

He sent a servant who would die on the cross for their sins.

God often does that!

He answers our prayers in unexpected ways.

We ask for healing-
– but God chooses to give us strength for each day.

We ask for relief from our trials-
– but God helps us endure and grow stronger.

We ask God to deal with our adversaries-
– instead, He transforms our attitudes.

God is always faithful to his promises.
He just doesn’t do things the way we expect.

When you don’t see answers to prayer that you are anticipating-
– take a look to see if God is blessing in unexpected ways.
