He Gives More Grace

But He gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (Jas 4:6)
If there is an employee who shows potential and is diligent at his job, we will help him to succeed.
If there is a student who is serious with his studies, we will support him so he can do well in his studies.
I once watched a cooking competition. One of the judges noticed that a particular contestant was languishing in the middle of the competition.
The judge went over to him and asked him if he was really passionate about winning the competition. If he wasn’t, then he should not be wasting his or the judges’ time. But if he was really keen, then the judges will help him to win.
In the same way, if we are really passionate about winning in life and the going is tough, God will certainly help us.
He shows us His grace so we can succeed.
We should not depend on our strength for it will soon grow weak. We should not think we can do it on our own.
We need God’s favor upon us. He does not need to help us but because He loves us, He will help us though we do not deserve Him.
We should humble ourselves before God as we carry our burden.
He will show us more attention, so to say, even though His grace is always sufficient for us.
When the burden gets heavier, He will give us more strength, more wisdom, more joy, more peace, more encouragement, more guidance, more blessings, so that we can bear our burden.
So do not grow weary. He gives you more grace.