Our Only Hope

Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war … On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. (Rev 19:11, 16)
There are different forms of government and economies in this world.
We have democracies, socialism, communism, monarchies, capitalism.
We have emperors, caesars, kings, pharaohs, tzars, khans, sultans, rajahs, caliphs, tribal chiefs, presidents, prime ministers.
Civilizations came and went. Empires rose and fell. No nation or kingdom withstood the test of time.
National and global problems swell in numbers – poverty, hunger, homeless, jobless, diseases, environment, pollution, border wars, trade wars, social divides and many more.
But like Abraham, we are looking for a better world whose maker and builder is God (Heb 11:10).
Democracies, monarchies, and other forms of government are earthly and temporary.
Only one system will really work – theocracy.
At one time, God was the king of the Israelites. But they rejected Him and wanted a king like their neighbors.
That did not work out. Earthly kings, even godly ones, ruled and died. There was no guarantee that their sons ruled wisely.
All these kings point to one King who will bring about permanent peace on earth.
This will happen when Christ returns to earth as King of kings.
He will create a new world order – a new heaven and a new earth.
On that day, He will reign on earth. There will be global peace.
Everyone will love one another and seek the good of his neighbor.
Nation will not go to war against nation (Isa 2:4). All will share with one another. There will be no poverty and hunger any more.
We look forward earnestly for His return to establish theocracy on earth.
He is our only hope for an eternal kingdom with worldwide peace.