Whose Approval Are You Seeking?

For they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God. (John 12:43)
Some of the Jews believed in Jesus but dared not confess it for fear of the Pharisees.
They were afraid to be excommunicated by them.
Jesus said that these Jews loved the praise of the Pharisees more than the praise that comes from God.
Seeking man’s praise instead of God’s is loving self more than God.
We want ourselves to be praised and approved by man.
True discipleship is denial of self, not love of self.
Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who despise their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. All those who want to be my disciples must come and follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And if they follow me, the Father will honor them. (John 12:25-26)
Do we value our lives more than God’s approval?
Are we ashamed to confess Christ before man?
Are we afraid of losing friends if we tell them that we are Christian? Or that there are certain sinful things we don’t do?
Are we afraid that they will laugh at us?
Man’s approval is deceitful. We feel good with man’s approval. But this type of goodness does not last. It does not fully satisfy us.
God’s approval is great blessing. God is fair. He knows what we have done for Him, no matter how small, or whether we have been noticed by man or not.
God’s approval is eternal, satisfying, rejoicing, and rewarding.
When we have God’s approval, we do not need man’s approval.
Whose approval are you seeking?