You Are Complete in Christ

And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. (Col 2:10)
But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (Jas 1:4)
A king once asked the best carpenter in the land to make a wooden chest, complete with intricate carvings on the chest.
After it was made, it was presented before the king.
An adviser looked at the wooden chest and suggested that some improvements be made.
The king, however, replied that it was not necessary. Since it was made by the best carpenter, the design is perfect. The carpenter knows what was best. There was no improvement that needed to be made.
When Jesus died on the cross, His work of salvation is made complete. Nothing needs to be added to His work. His death made our salvation perfect and complete.
When we are united with Christ, we are placed in Him.
Everything about us is perfect. Nothing needs to be added to us to make us any better.
We are not perfect as in having a body that will never grow old.
But we are perfect and complete in Him because of Him.
We have the best in terms of our salvation, our body, our family, our abilities, our past, our education, our jobs.
There is nothing lacking about our salvation, significance, security, satisfaction, or sanctification.
We have all we need in Christ and that is more than sufficient for us.
God promises to be with us every minute.
He promises to provide for us as He provided manna for the Israelites for forty years.
He promises to protect us from evil and harm.
He promises to hear and answer our prayers according to His will.
He promises we can have victory in this present life because He will fight our battles for us.
So stop thinking you are inferior, defeated, defective, unforgiven, dirty.
You are complete, a masterpiece, sanctified, holy, indwelt by the Spirit, gifted.
Christ is the ruler and authority in the universe. When He says you are complete, you are complete.