True Freedom

“Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:34-36)
Today, we talk about political freedom, religious freedom, economic freedom, personal freedom, financial freedom.
Freedom has become synonymous with personal independence – doing what you want to do, making your own choices, choosing your own path, saying what you want to say.
So I ask those who say they want freedom:
What do you want to do?
What choices do you want to make?
Which path do you want to take?
What do you want to say?
You don’t have the freedom to hurt another person.
You don’t have the freedom to pursue your hobby and neglect reading your Bible.
You don’t have the freedom to commit suicide.
You don’t have the freedom to say things that are not true.
True freedom is freedom to do what is right and good for yourself and others for the glory of God.
When God created man, He gave man the freedom to enjoy all the good. But man abused his freedom and chose to do what is wrong.
As a result, man becomes enslaved to do what is wrong, that is, sin.
Sin is rebellion against God. It is running away from God and running into enslavement.
True freedom comes first by being free from enslavement to sin.
This freedom was purchased by Jesus, the Son of God, when He died on the cross and paid for the penalty of our sin.
We are also set free from the power of sin, worry, all kinds of fear, anger, impatience, lying.
We are set free to:
Do the will of God, be who God made us to be, take time to be holy, be controlled by the Spirit.
Choose to exercise faith in God, love others, do good.
Walk in the paths of righteousness, think wise and holy thoughts.
Say words of encouragement, affirmation, wisdom to others.
As a result of practicing true freedom in Christ, we have love, joy, and peace.
That is true freedom.