Trust God’s Timing

“Lord, how long will the wicked . . . triumph?” (Ps 93:3).
I’m sure you also have asked that question. This sentiment is expressed many times in Scripture. The great saints of God cried out, “O Lord, how long?” When David was being chased by King Saul, many times he said, “How long, O Lord, before I get my throne? You’ve promised it to me.” (Ps 94:3-10)
The psalmist tells us that God has His plan. He hears our prayers and sees our need. He knows exactly what is going on. The wicked think that they have everything under control. “Yet they say, ‘The Lord does not see, nor does the God of Jacob understand”‘ (v. 7). “God can’t see what we’re doing; God’s not going to do anything.”
That’s the false confidence of the wicked.
God sees what’s going on in this world. He hears the cries of His own people and disciplines those who need discipline.
Our tendency, of course, is to take things into our own hands. Moses tried that approach, and it sent him to the wilderness for 40 years to learn how to trust God’s timing and method.
When you find yourself crying out, “How long, O Lord, how long,” focus on God and remember that He knows as much about the situation as you do—probably more. Then wait on Him. Watch and pray. You can be sure that He will keep His promises.
Learning to trust God’s methods and timing is a lifelong course. When you need to wait patiently for God to act, first look to Him and lay hold of His promises in Scripture. Then rest in His care. He knows your situation, and He keeps His word. He will act at the right time.- Warren Wiersbe
Prayer: Lord, I put my time entirely in Your hands. Though circumstances may not seem to be in my favor, I will still trust in You no matter what happens. I believe that Your eye will guide me.