Pray big!

“Ask of Me, and I will make the nations Your inheritance and the ends of the earth Your possession” (Psalm 2:8).
Do you pray big or do you pray small?
If you pray big, you understand what God is like:
– powerful, almighty, all-knowing, eternal.
If you pray small-
– could it be you’re afraid God can’t deliver?
Because the more you understand who God is-
– the bigger your prayer life will grow.
Think about the way you pray.
If you never ask God for anything more than a good day, or for your cold to get better-
– you’re missing out on much of what God wants to do in your life.
He wants to give you more than a good day.
He wants to give you the ends of the earth!
Don’t doubt that God wants to do big things in your life.
Pray with confidence.
Pray with anticipation.
If you pray little prayers-
– you’ll get little answers.
If God hasn’t been doing anything big in your life-
– it’s not because he’s not able.
God is not a distant, untouchable being.
He’s more willing to be involved in your life than you might think.
It may be that you simply haven’t asked him.
So when you pray, go beyond vague, safe prayers, such as “Lord, be with me today.”
Think about the one you’re addressing as you pray.
God is big!
So don’t be afraid to pray big!
What would be an example of a big prayer to you?
He will answer you according to His will but beyond your imagination and expectation!