In us and through us!

“Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” (Psalm 85:6).
Revival is the sovereign work of God-
– in which He visits His own people,
– restoring and releasing them into the fullness of His blessing!
Over the years I’ve often gotten emails asking “Do you think revival will ever come to us? When do you think it will come?”
The key aspect of world revival is revival within ourselves.
Revival must begin within each of us!
And it’s not just a one time event but an ongoing process of desiring to be closer to Him.
Once, a lady asked Billy Sunday “Why do you keep having revival meetings?”
And he quickly retorted, “Why do you always take a bath?”
Revival is an ongoing transformation of our hearts to be constantly moved by the Spirit of God.
We need to be daily breaking up our fallow ground-
– those places in our hearts which we’ve allowed to grow hard.
We have to first ask the Lord to reveal those hard places-
– pray that He would forgive us and ask Him to heal all our rough edges that we might be soft before Him and sensitive to His leading.
Only then will we be changed and be in a place where we can contribute to revival around us.
Let’s allow God to work in us and through us!