Only a Farmer

Only a Farmer

“On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.” (1Cor 12:22)

“I am only a farmer. What can I do?” someone asked me.

Sir Christopher Wren was the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.

One day, when construction was still ongoing, he walked the site. He stopped and asked a stonecutter, “What are you doing?”

Not knowing that the inquirer was Wren, he answered, “I am cutting this stone.”

Wren moved to a second laborer. “What are you doing?” he asked.

The second laborer answered, “I doing the plumbing.”

“What are you doing?” Wren asked a third.

“I am helping to build a great cathedral,” Was the answer.

Three men each had three different ways of looking at the same job.
The first two were just doing a task.
The third was doing a small part of a great work. He believed that he was helping to do something that is greater than himself.

You are not just a farmer, carpenter, homemaker, or technician. You play a part in building the kingdom of God. Your job does not define you. Your identity as a child of God defines you.

Because you are a child of God, you have a role to play in the body of Christ.

You are helping to build God’s kingdom.

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