Hold on to God’s promise!

Hold on to God’s promise!

storms 2

People react differently-

– when confronted with problems, adversities or hardships. 

Many people seem to break down at the mere idea of hardship.

And they convince themselves that they will never be able to triumph over adversities. 

They will never admit that they are incapable of facing challenges.

But always blame other people or circumstances for their failures. 

On the other hand-

We find those people who are stimulated by challenges! 

When they have to face dark, difficult situations-

– it seems as if they have inner reserves to draw from to lead and support them. 

Thoughts of defeat, frustration or failure never even occur to them! 

Because they are constantly planning constructively for a better future!! 

A Christian should never complain!

Because that will show a lack of confidence in the abilities of our heavenly Father. 

Regardless of how difficult or demoralizing the situation might seem; regardless of how ominous the depression or disappointment may be-

– always hold on to God’s promise! 

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). 

The greater the threats in your life-

– the closer you should live to God! 

In the consciousness of His living presence you will understand what Paul meant when he said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). 

May God teach you to trust Him unconditionally-

– so that you can live triumphantly in the midst of sorrow and discouragement.  

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