Jesus’ Return

Jesus’ Return

D L Moody used to say, “I never preach a sermon without thinking that possibly the Lord may come before I preach another.” 

We should live in anticipation of His return. 

Perhaps He will return today.  We will meet Him face to face.  O what a glorious day it will be! 

Do you think He will return today?  “Oh, well, maybe not today,” we say, “after all, He has not returned for the last two thousand years. 

“Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matt 24:44).

There was a father who had to leave his home to go on a long journey. Just before he left, his little three-year old son asked him, “Daddy, when will you be coming back again?”

The father knew that he would not be back till the end of September. However, he realized that it was no use talking about dates and times and seasons to his boy, for he would not know the difference between them.

So the father said to the boy, “Now, listen; when you see the leaves on the trees turning red and brown and beginning to fall to the ground, then you can be sure that Daddy is coming back very soon.”

After his father left home, the little boy would go for walks outside his house. Slowly the weeks went by until it came early September and then mid-September. Although the boy did not notice it, the leaves on the trees were changing colour.

Then one night there was a big wind storm.  Millions of leaves fell from trees. The next morning when the little boy went out, he immediately saw them. Happily, he went amongst the leaves and began to kick them sky-high. Then he began to shout, “Hurray! Hurray! Daddy’s coming back soon.”

Likewise all over the world there is an expectation.  Signs are evident that Jesus’ return is imminent.

“Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28). 

Watch, for He may come back today.


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