Don't revel in the wrappings!

Don't revel in the wrappings!

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12).  
The classic Christmas joke in families with really young children is that they enjoy the boxes more than the toys. 
They hide in them, make forts out of them, stack them up and knock them down-
– while the parents watch and wonder, “Why didn’t we just get them an assortment of boxes for Christmas?” 
If that’s what happens with little kids at Christmas-
– something similar happens to almost everyone: 
We enjoy our presents for Christmas Day-
– maybe for a week, even a month.
And then they tend to lose their luster.
We revert back to the life we were living before Christmas Day. 
It’s what was comfortable, what we’re used to. 
It’s not that we didn’t appreciate our gifts.
We just get busy with the post-Christmas routine. 
Is it possible to treat the gift of Jesus that way?
Not that we’re not grateful. 
But once we stop hearing “Christmas” every day-
– we tend to forget about the Gift. 
Don’t let that happen to you this year.
Keep your Gift close by staying in the Word and in prayer.
Plan now to take Jesus with you into the year, to benefit from your Gift every day. 
Don’t revel in the wrappings of the season
And forget not that the Gift is yours to keep. 
If Christmas isn’t found in your heart-
– you won’t find it in your home or under a tree. 

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