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Day: May 25, 2016

Don't give up!

Don't give up!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
Many years ago in London-
– a talented young man began preparing for the ministry.
He surrendered his life to Christ and wanted so badly to be used by the Lord.
He was a brilliant student and completed his studies seminary with honours.
Prior to his ordination-
– he was required to preach a sermon before a select group of clergymen.
The intensity of the situation made him nervous-
– especially when he saw his lovely fiance sitting in the audience.
In his anxiety, he lost his train of thought and the board failed to approve him for the ministry.
The rejection was a bitter disappointment.
And his grief increased when his fiance broke off their engagement because he had performed so poorly.
After these two events, he fought depression for quite some time.
Several weeks later-
He poured out his complaint before God, and was reminded of God’s promise in Romans 8:28.
It was then that he experienced an incredible peace in his soul.
When the chance came around again, the young man delivered a powerful sermon to the examining board and he was ordained to the ministry.
The dynamic preaching of G. Campbell Morgan has impacted thousands of people.
This infamous expositor authored several Bible commentaries and 60 books on theology.
Morgan left a legacy that still stirs hearts today-and the crisis he went through and overcame with God’s help played a huge part.
Failure often causes us to think we’ve reached the end of our calling.
But many times we don’t see the big picture.
God is working behind the scenes of your life.
If you are a believer and have experienced failure, don’t give up!
God is using that failure to produce success and blessing in your life according to the promises in His Word.
Ask God to turn your failures into triumphs.
And thank Him for the promises of His Word.