

“For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more” (Hebrews 8:12).

A good memory is something most of us desire.
Nobody likes to get engaged in a conversation with a person whose name you can’t recall.
Of course, there are times when a good memory is overrated.

Have you ever done or said something so ridiculous or embarrassing that even now the memory of that occasion brings a blush to your cheek?

Have you ever seen something so terrible it still causes you to cringe and turn away from the mental image?

Those kinds of events are the things most of us would like to forget.

If that’s what you’re thinking-
– science may have good news for you.

Spokespeople for the University of Montreal and the Louis H. Lafontaine Hospital have found that-
– negative memories are harder for people to recall if they are taking the drug metyrapone when those bad situations are occurring.

The article, published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, might be heralding a scientific breakthrough in the removal of bad memories.
I’ve got something better and far more effective than Metyrapone!
I’ve been given the blood of Jesus.
That innocent blood, shed upon the cross of Calvary is 100 percent effective.

Because of the Saviour’s sacrifice and His glorious resurrection-
– our Heavenly Father says He will be merciful to us and He will remember our sins no more.
Our sins are erased from God’s remembrance.
Now here’s the wonderful part.
If God “forgets” my sin, it is gone!

No longer can the devil accuse or condemn me.
No longer do I need to fear what may be said on the day when I stand before the throne of justice.

I know what will be said:
God will say, “I remember your sins no more.”
And that is something worth remembering!


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