Safety, Security, and Serenity

Safety, Security, and Serenity

“But he said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid” (John 6:20).

Jesus’ disciples are frantically trying to survive a raging storm in the middle of a lake.
They’re scared.
And they’re waiting on Jesus to come rescue them.
Jesus waits until the early morning hours (sometime between 3 to 6 am).

Then “…he went out to them, walking on top of the water of the lake. He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified” (Mark 6:48-50).

It’s almost as if Jesus is out for a little early morning stroll!
But when the disciples see their “rescuer,” they’re terrified (John 6:19).
They think He’s a ghost.
They’ve watched Him bring dead people back to life, cure incurable diseases, feed a huge crowd with nothing, but this is physically impossible!

The darkness has made it difficult to see…intermittent flashes of lightning show them a figure approaching…but, they can’t focus, their eyes sting from pelting water.

They’re so focused on their circumstances, the storm, they don’t recognize God’s presence in their lives.

Fear has blinded them!

What’s obscuring your view of God’s presence in your life?

Does the future seem so dark, that you can’t see the way?
Is life buffeting you around?
Do you feel like the waves are causing you to be unsteady?
Do you feel like the next wave will send you under?
Are you straining with all your might to stay headed in the right direction?
Are you just plain exhausted?
How are your circumstances obscuring your view of the Almighty’s presence in your life?

Fear and faith cannot stay together!

Our weakness of faith-
– is never punished by
– the withdrawal of God!

Jesus went to them!
God knows human nature, our moods of doubt.
He knows that we become afraid.

But with Him-
– fear can turn to faith!

His disciples are terrified.

Instead of making them wait, He immediately reassures them by saying:
“Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (John 6:20).

Think of how they must have felt!
The relief…the sense of security they must have felt in knowing it is Jesus.

You too can be relieved of any-
– fear, frustration or faintheartedness!…

Jesus is your-
Safety, security and serenity!


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