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Day: February 22, 2015

Consult God!

Consult God!

Did you hear about the farmer who grew discontent with his farm so he decided to sell it?

A few days later his real estate agent phoned wanting approval for an advertisement she intended to place in the local newspaper.

She read it to the farmer.

It described a lovely farm in an ideal location – quiet and peaceful, contoured with rolling hills, nourished by a fresh lake and blessed with well-bred livestock.

The farmer said, “Read that to me again.”

After hearing it a second time he said, “I’ve changed my mind. I’m not selling. I’ve been looking for a place like that all my life.”

Paul would have applauded that farmer.

He learned the same lesson:

“I have learned in whatever state I am to be content.”

Before you change your job title, examine your perspective toward life.

Success is not defined by position or pay scale.

“…better to have little, with fear for the Lord, than to have great treasure turmoil” (Prov 15:16).

Wise up!

It’s better to be married to a happy person with a thin wallet than to a miserable person with a thick one.

Pursue the virtue of contentment.

“Godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Tim 6:6).

When choosing or changing job/ministry, be careful.

Consult God!

Never consult your greed!
