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Missionary or Mercenary

Missionary or Mercenary

cross7“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”  (Mark 16:15).

We are missionaries serving in a foreign land.

“Our home is faraway, upon a golden strand,” as the song says.

We are soldiers enlisted in God’s army.  We fight to free the souls of men from captivity.

Mercenaries are professional soldiers who are hired to serve in foreign armies.  They fight for money or adventure.  They are motivated by the desire for private gain.

They are paid to fight.  They can change allegiance anytime.

Christians are called to serve Christ only.

We are called to carry the Gospel wherever we go.  As we go to the market, we find opportunities to share Christ with the cashier, sales assistant, shopkeeper, shoppers.  As we work, we share our joy with our colleagues.

We do not seek for personal gain.  Our boast is in Christ and in the cross.  Jesus the Son of God has died for our sins, pardoned us, and given us a new life.

He gave His life for us, and now we live for Him.