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Prized Possession

Prized Possession

Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone, everywhere.” Mark 16:15.

According to an article in Turning Point Daily Devotional, “Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962), the world-famous violinist, earned a fortune with his concerts and compositions, but he generously gave most of it away.

So, when he discovered an exquisite violin on one of his trips, he wasn’t able to buy it.

Later, having raised enough money to meet the asking price, he returned to the seller, hoping to purchase that beautiful instrument.

But to his great dismay, it had been sold to a collector.

“Kreisler made his way to the new owner’s home and offered to buy the violin.

The collector said it had become his prized possession, and he would not sell it.

Keenly disappointed, Kreisler was about to leave when he had an idea.

‘Could I play the instrument once more before it is consigned to silence?’ he asked.

Permission was granted, and the great virtuoso filled the room with such heart-moving music that the collector’s emotions were deeply stirred.

‘I have no right to keep that to myself,’ he exclaimed. ‘It’s yours, Mr. Kreisler. Take it into the world, and let people hear it.

God has given you and me the greatest news and most powerful “music” in the world—the message that Jesus died on the cross to save mankind from the dreadful consequences of sin, so that all who come to him can receive God’s forgiveness and His gift of eternal life.

This is the message Jesus commissioned us to take to the world so everyone, everywhere will hear it and have the opportunity to have their sins forgiven and receive God’s gift of eternal life.

“Dear God, please make and use me ‘as an instrument’ of your love and peace to communicate your great salvation in some way to every life I touch—through being “as Jesus” to all and as opportunity arises share your gospel message of salvation. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
