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Are You Hiding Behind Closed Doors?

Are You Hiding Behind Closed Doors?

cross 15

After Jesus’ crucifixion, the disciples were terrified.

Afraid that the same authorities who executed Jesus would come after them next-

– they hid behind shut doors, afraid for their very lives. 

So what did Jesus do to bring courage to these frightened disciples?

He appeared in the midst of them and said, “Peace be with you.”

Then He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” 

Are you afraid of something right now?

Quite honestly, there are a number of things we maybe ought to be concerned about today. 

There is instability in our world.

There are wars and rebellions everywhere.

The economic situation could change overnight.

Maybe you are afraid of losing your health.

Or maybe you are afraid of losing your job. 

Are you hiding behind closed doors?

– like the disciples, terrified of what is out there?

Jesus wants to come into your life and set you free from that fear. 

The same Holy Spirit that energized the first-century believers is here today, ready to fill your life. 

Stop and consider the simple fact that these very panic-stricken, fearful disciples went out after this and boldly and courageously shared the gospel.

Most of them, in fact, laid down their very lives and became martyrs for the faith. 

Think about it.

It is because Christ was indeed risen, because He was alive, that these men went and, for all practical purposes, turned the world upside down.

It is the explanation for the change in their lives.

It is the explanation for the Christian to this present day. 

We serve a risen, living Lord who is still transforming lives.