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Sunk into silence!

Sunk into silence!

pray 2

In the past few days-

I have experienced a sudden arrest of activity-

– that had been one form of my continued service to God. 

I’m prevented from continuing here and there.

I’m uncertain as to why this has happened and what I’m to do. 


I know that God is in control of my situation.

And I have a great hope and future in the Lord, especially in the area of serving God non-stop. 

Paul and Silas were arrested suddenly-

– while they were proclaiming the gospel in Philippi and put into stocks (Acts 16). 

Not only was their work halted altogether-

– but they themselves were physically immobilized in a dungeon, held fast in stocks.

What strange treatment for two earnest servants of God! 

What did they do?

It would be quite understandable if they had raged or wept orsunk into silence! 


– they continued what for them had long since become habitual-

– they continued “at their prayer,” and sang praises to God. 

Then what happened?

They ministered to a jailor’s family that came to Christ.

Then they continued a marvellous ministry! 

God allowed an arrest-

– in order that He could accomplish His will through His servants. 

What do I do now? 

Simple answer:

Praise and pray.

Plan and be patient!  

“For ye have need of patience, that, having done the will of God, ye may receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:36). 

As a sincere servant of God-

If you are blocked, hindered, stopped or prevented to serve God in a particular area, do not worry.

Praise God.

Pray and plan for the future in the presence of the Lord.

For God needs you for a special purpose in a special place of His choice!