Spiritual Birthday

Jesus is God’s precious and perfect gift to us.
Heaven sent, the present was willingly given at great cost because we were in desperate need.
This remarkable gift from God is . . .
Through Jesus, the Father offers salvation to the entire world, one person at a time. John 3:16.
Whoever receives the Son discovers His unlimited worth.
When Jesus becomes our personal Savior, we are granted forgiveness and are set free from condemnation for our sin.Rom. 8:1.
This divine gift prevents us from having to face eternal death, which would mean permanent separation from God.
What Jesus brings us lasts forever.
From the day of salvation, Christ’s Spirit indwells us and remains with us.
As permanent members of God’s family, we have an inheritance in heaven that can neither spoil nor perish. 1 Pet. 1:3-5.
Unconditional love is what motivated the Father to sacrifice His Son in our place.
None of us deserved it.
At some point, we’ve all sinned. Rom. 3:10.
We have turned away from God to follow our own desires.
In spite of who we are, God set His affection on us and proved it through the life and death of His Son.
By His love, we’ve been rescued from bondage to sin and are being transformed into the people He designed us to be.
If you haven’t accepted God’s offer of salvation, today can become your spiritual birthday.
If you already belong to God’s family, you know the value of the gift.
Won’t you tell someone today about this marvelous present?