Defeated Death

Have you ever heard someone say that there are other ways to God besides Jesus?
That all religions are equal?
That as long as we are sincere in what we believe, a loving God will accept us?
That the cross was not necessary?
That if our good works outweigh our bad works, we can hope to go to Heaven?
– if there are other ways to God besides Jesus,
– if all religions are equal,
– if God accepts all those who are sincere in their beliefs,
– if our good works earn us a ticket to Heaven,
– then why did Jesus die?
If there was any other way to offer us forgiveness of sin, to reconcile us to God, to give us eternal life, and to open Heaven for us when we die-
God would have found it.
He never would have sent Jesus to die on the cross.
There simply is no other way.
Take time to thank God for sending His only beloved Son to die on the cross as His sacrifice for our sin.
Thank Him by confessing your sin and living humbly in His forgiveness.
Then go and tell someone else why Jesus died.
“Dear God, thank You for sending Your Son to die for me. I’m so glad that when He rose from the grave, He defeated death and the grave forever. Please help me share the Good News. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”