I Chose You

“I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5.
The blessings and trials we experience in life are like the ingredients in a cake.
When you’re mixing them, some taste good by themselves such as sugar and chocolate.
But other ingredients—like baking powder and flour—aren’t pleasant by themselves.Still, they are essential and must be mixed with the good-tasting ingredients to make a delicious final product.
Sometimes we have a hard time understanding why God allows us to go through difficulties and trials.
The prophet Jeremiah is a perfect example of this dilemma; he went through periods of tremendous suffering.
Through it all-
God reassured him that, even from the womb,
His purpose for Jeremiah was being fulfilled.
We can trust God, our Maker, to take even the bitter experiences of life and blend them together with the good ones to make all things work for our good.
If you are a believer, then God is very clear about your purpose.
God is at work in His world, and He’s involving each of us in a very specific way.