God’s Heart

No condemnation now exists for those in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1.
Paul knew something about condemnation.
He had been responsible for the torturous deaths of devout Christians, including the martyr Stephen.
He had condemned many others to imprisonment.
And now, as a Christian, Paul had to live forever with the memories of what he’d done.
No matter how many good things he did for the sake of Jesus Christ-
Paul could never undo the treacherous acts he’d committed as a zealous but misguided Pharisee.
How could he live with himself?
How could he stand the shame of knowing that he’d been such a sinner?
There was only one way:
Paul understood God’s heart!
The great news for Christians is that God does not condemn the repentant sinner.
Salvation through Jesus Christ wipes away the guilt and shame of even the most hardened rebel.
Once we repent of our sin and confess it to God, he throws it away.
He doesn’t hold it against us.
As far as God is concerned, it never happened.
If you’ve been carrying the weight of guilt and shame over something you’ve done, now is the time to take it to God.
Confess your sin to him, leave it with Jesus, and walk away from it.
Experience the truth that Paul understood, and take joy in the reality that you are clean, pure, and forgiven in God’s sight.