I Am Not Ashamed

I believe the Bible from cover to cover.
God’s Word is mankind’s only sure guide to life eternal and abundant.
It is infallible in every subject area and brilliantly reflects the holy, unchanging character of God Himself.
When God speaks, and He does so through Scripture, all of us should listen.
Obedience to God’s Word brings blessing.
Disobedience brings chastisement and ultimately eternal punishment in hell, away from the majesty and presence of God.
Everything we do should be built on the integrity and authority of God’s holy Word.
We preach it, proclaim it and live by it.
We want to see many of the “religiously unaffiliated” discover, through repentance and faith, the vitality of a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The power of God is in His Word.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” Romans 1:16.