Resolving Doubts?

“For the word of God is living and effective . . . it is a judge of the ideas and thoughts of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12.
Whatever we do, we must not let any lurking doubts go unchallenged.
Pascal said:
“Doubt is an unhappy state, but there is an indispensable duty to seek when we are in doubt, and thus anyone who doubts and does not seek is at once unhappy and in the wrong.”
How do we go about resolving doubts?
One way is to bring them to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to help us overcome them.
If prayer does not dissolve them, apply the tactic which Nehemiah adopted: “So we prayed to our God and stationed a guard.” Neh. 4:9.
Take a verse of Scripture that is the opposite of your doubt and hold it in the center of your mind, repeating it to yourself many times throughout the day.
Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones once said:
“Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself? We must talk to ourselves instead of allowing ourselves to talk to us!”
In listening to our doubts instead of talking to them, we fall prey to the same temptation that caught Adam and Eve off guard in the garden of Eden.
The order of creation was stood on its head when the first human pair allowed themselves to be dictated to by the animal world (in the form of the serpent), when, in fact, they had been put in a position to dictate to it.
Don’t let your doubts dictate to you.
Turn the tables and dictate to them.
Talk to them with words from the Word of God.
“Father, help me never to be nonplussed, for in You there are ways to overcome every problem. Drive the truth I have learned today deeply into my spirit so that I may apply it whenever I am faced with doubt. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”