Does That Describe You?

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.
This verse says you’re a brand new creature if you are in Christ Jesus!
The word ‘new’ is from the Greek word kainos!
It describes something that is brand new or recently made.
It also carries the idea of something that is superior.
This means when Jesus Christ came into your life-
– you were made brand, spanking new!
The new you is superior to the old you!
In fact-
You are so new that this verse calls you a new creature!
The moment we receive Christ as Saviour-
We should start displaying new attitudes in life,
– along with new behaviours and habits.
It may take time for these to become established in daily practice.
But there should be no doubt that the process is working.
New goals.
New priorities.
New relationships.
New emotions.
New perspectives.
New words.
New responses.
New and improved!
Does that describe you?
What a wonderful change-
– in my life has been wrought
– since Jesus came into my heart!