Perfect Plan

Are you someone who peeks at the last pages of a novel-
– just to make sure the story turns out all right?
Then you are probably finding it frustrating-
– when God doesn’t give you a sneak preview of how your own story goes.
When we read the accounts of people in the Bible-
– we have the benefit of knowing how their stories end.
But imagine what it must have been like for someone like Joseph-
– who had no clue about the outcome of his own story.
What do you do when you’re in the midst of adversity-
– and have no idea how it’s all going to turn out?
Joseph started out just fine as his father’s favourite son, with a gift for dreams.Genesis 37:3-11.
But none appreciated him.
In fact, his brothers hated him enough to try to kill him, but sold him into slavery instead.37:12-36.
As a slave in Egypt-
Joseph ended up working for a powerful man, and that seemed fine until the boss’s wife made false accusations which landed him in prison.Genesis 39.
While still a prisoner-
Joseph earned a privileged position, one where he was able to interpret some dreams for a couple of people who might provide him a way out.
But he was forgotten and left alone again.Genesis 40.
That’s the first half of Joseph’s story-
-setbacks, injustices, a few glimmers of hope and then…nothing.
Nothing except that “the LORD was with Joseph.” Genesis 39:2, 21, 23.
And we see over and over that Joseph held onto his faith in God.
Even a meteoric rise to power as second in command over all Egypt-
– didn’t change his faith in God.Genesis 41.
Then Joseph faced an even greater test:
His brothers, the very men who started the trouble, showed up again when he had the power to take revenge Genesis 42-44.
In fact, when the brothers figured out who they were dealing with, that’s what they feared the most.
But Joseph, without reading the end of the book-
– expressed his own faith in God’s perfect plan.
In Genesis 45:4-8, we read, “And he said, ‘I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life…God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth, and to keep alive for you many survivors. So it was not you who sent me here, but God.'”
Even later, after their father Jacob died, the old fears resurfaced and Joseph once again told his brothers, “Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” Genesis 50:19-20.
God can bring good out of evil.
Joseph’s entire life demonstrates that fact.
What made the biggest difference for Joseph was that-
-he trusted God to carry out His perfect plan​,
– even if it was personally unpleasant or uncomfortable for him.
Remember, Joseph didn’t know how his story would end.
But he was willing to trust God to do what was best, even when life was at its worst.
Rejection, attempted murder, slavery, injustice, prison…
Joseph held onto his faith through all that because-
– he believed God was good, God was greater and
God knows the end of the story.
So, where are you at now?
What answers are you anxiously waiting for?
Are you willing to let God work it all out for good?
You’ve read Joseph’s life statement in Genesis 50:20.
But what would your life statement be?
Take a few moments to think it through and write it down.
Keep it in your Bible and make it part of your prayer time as you commit your life to God.