Friends Are Fallible

“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends.”John 15:15.
In the Old Testament-“Friend” was a covenant term.
Abraham was the friend of God. (Isaiah 41:8).
Jonathan and David were covenant friends. (1 Samuel18:1-4).
Proverbs 18:24 says there is a friend “who sticks closer than a brother“-
– someone to whom you go to reveal the depths of your heart when needed.
You’ve been hurt and need advice on what to do.
So you go to your best friend.
Problem: Best human friends are fallible! You rehearse your hurts to them. And you bring another person into an already complicated situation. You ask for advice that may or may not be helpful. You’re troubled when you arrive and are likely still troubled when you leave. Fortunately, for life’s most challenging situations-
– every Christian has a best divine Friend: Jesus Christ!
Picture yourself as one of His original twelve disciples.
What it would have been like to say, “Jesus, I’ve got this problem. Can You help?”
You have that same opportunity today since Jesus calls you His friend and invites you to find “help in time of need” from Him. (Hebrews 4:16).
Best human friends are great. But a best divine Friend is, well, divine!
I have a great need for Christ. I have a great Christ for my need.