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Day: February 26, 2022

Bad Company

Bad Company

“Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.”  1 Corinthians 15:33.
How strong do you think you are?
Are you able to stand up against temptation?
Do you think you can resist the opinions and attitudes of those who don’t respect the love you have for God?

If you think you can-
– the Bible has a warning for you.

Paul claimed that you will be influenced by the people with whom you spend the most time.

If you associate with wise people, you will become wise.
If you hang around with fools, they will influence you in the wrong direction.

Pretty straightforward, isn’t it?

Does this mean, though, that you should never associate with those who hold different beliefs than you do? Of course not. It does mean, however, that you must maintain a real awareness of this truth:
– both of you are going to have an influence on the other.

Sometimes we argue that we’re in a friendship in order to have a Christian influence on a person whose values differ from ours.
Maybe we are.

It’s crucial, however, never to forget that influence goes both ways.
At times we can be under someone else’s influence far more than we are influencing that person.

Hold up each of your relationships to God and ask for his guidance-
– remaining always prepared to remove yourself from bad company (as he leads you) if your own character is in danger.

At the same time, be looking for people to spend time with who will encourage you to become more like Christ.

How have you noticed influence working for or against you in your relationships?
Proverbs 13:20-21;Proverbs 22:24-25.
