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Tag: Wisdom

Walk With the Wise

Walk With the Wise

“A wise man will listen and increase his learning, and a discerning man will obtain guidance” Proverbs 1:5.

Most of us want all we can get out of life.
After all, we only have one life to live!

Unless we are wise in our decision making, though, we can waste the one life we have.

Solomon said that a wise person is continually learning more.

The more he learns, the more a wise person realizes how much is still left to discover.

The more knowledge she gains, the more a wise person understands her potential and the more she is able to give to share with others.

On the other hand, some people try to get by with the least amount of learning possible.
They exert only enough effort in school to get by.

They never read or study anything they don’t have to.
They rarely ask questions.
They’re indifferent to what’s happening around them.
Solomon called these people fools.

But a wise person-
– “walks with the wise.” Proverbs 13:20.

He seeks out the company of mature people.
She reads, asks questions, and seizes opportunities to learn more about the wonders of life.

So while you’re young-
– make it a habit to spend time with the wisest people you know.

Observe their lives and ask them lots of questions, being careful to spend more time listening than talking.

The knowledge you gain will enable you to live your life to the maximum.

Don’t live life as a fool.
Life is far too important to live carelessly.

What would you have to give up to begin investing your time in learning and listening?